We’ve all heard that sweets and sugary treats are “bad” for our smiles, but what does that really mean for your day to day life? In this article our Toluca Lake dentists are going to be answering that question, and sharing some tips on ways to minimize the effects of sweet treats on your smile. The first thing you can do is…
Minimize Bad Habits
If you are someone who regularly chews on hard candies or mints, you may be inadvertently creating small cracks and chips in your dental enamel. Our team recommends that you allow these treats to melt as they are intended to; the less stress you put on your enamel, the healthier your teeth will be in the long-term.
Indulge in Short Sittings
Many people do not realize that oral bacteria only stay active and feeding on the foods and drinks we consume for about 20 to 30 minutes after finish our meal, drink, or snack. Armed with this information, you can choose to consume sugary or acidic substances at specific, time-limited sittings during the day. This greatly helps to minimize the amount of time that oral bacteria are active in your mouth.
Rinse Rather than Brushing Right Away
Because many acidic substances temporarily soften dental enamel on contact, you really do not want to brush your teeth right after eating or drinking. Wait for about a half of an hour to brush, because doing so directly after eating or drinking can lead to enamel erosion. Try to get into the habit of vigorously rinsing your smile with water or a mouthwash instead.
Check the Label
As much as is possible, try to avoid foods and drinks with a lot of sugar. The oral bacteria in your mouth absolutely love sugar—it gives them energy to grow and multiply! Xylitol is a great sugar substitute that supports dental health.
Once you develop these healthy habits, you will find that they become second nature in no time. Give our Toluca Lake dental team a call to learn more or to schedule an oral health consultation.