Toluca Lake Dentist Lays Out The Key Reasons To Complete Professional Dental Cleanings

Written by Dr. McKay on Oct 21, 2014

Many of our patients do really great jobs caring for their teeth at home. So why do these people still need to come in for semi-annual cleanings with our dental team? Our Toluca Lake dentist office is here to explain this to you! So keep reading to get a better understanding of the benefits of professional dental cleanings.

When you clean your smile at home—by brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash—you are minimizing newly accumulated plaque and bacteria on your teeth.

However, don’t skip that professional cleaning because…

A professional cleaning allows our dental team to rid your mouth of that hard-to-reach, calcified plaque that has build up over time. Plaque, when allowed to remain in the mouth, calcifies into a substance called tartar; a professional dental cleaning is required to get rid of tartar.

Catching dental cavities and gum disease as they first emerge is paramount to treatment success. As part of your semi-annual cleaning, our dental team will assess your smile for signs of decay—we can spot problems well before they become apparent to the naked eye.

You need to have a regularly-scheduled oral cancer screening in order to protect your oral health. Oral cancers, like all cancers, are most easily treated as they first develop. Don’t put your smile and your oral health at risk—allow a professional dentist to complete an oral cancer screening at least twice a year.

Professional dental cleanings are vitally important because they allow patients to get the preventative and restorative dental care that they need. Plus, these appointments are prime opportunities for our dental team to screen your mouth for any signs of infection and cancerous tissues.

If you want more information about why you should schedule a professional cleaning, or how often a cleaning is necessary for you, please contact our Toluca Lake dentist office.